The Content tab is your one-stop shop for viewing all of Test Innovators' practice content. The content here is divided into four main buckets: Full-Length Exams (here broken up by section), Practice Exercises, PDF Downloads, and the Video Course.
Helpful Reminder: Keep in mind, this is all the content that you as an educator have access to. Students who have more limited packages won't necessarily have access to all of this content from their online testing dashboards.
Note: Use the Level selection dropdown at the top of your page to switch between test levels.
(1) Exams: Here, you can search for specific sections and click in to get an untimed view of all questions, answers, explanations, and links to additional resources with all the same functionality a student would have individually.
Helpful Tip: This is the best way to do practice problems with a group or an individual student. You may first want to click Hide Answer (so your students can't see the correct answer!) or Hide Choices (if you'd like students to work out an answer without the aid of multiple-choice options) before talking through the process, elimination strategies, and, finally, the solution. This is shown above on a test section but can be done the same way for any practice exercises as well! |
Finally, the Follow-Up Exercise links will take you back to the Content tab where you can follow the appropriate link.
(2) Practice Exercises: The best way to explore is by filtering, unless you know the exact name of an exercise you're searching for. You can search by Subject, Difficulty, or Subtype, as seen below.
(3) Downloads: This is where you'll find printable versions of the full-length practice Exams. These PDFs include a couple pages of information and instructions. (Please also remember to print double-sided whenever possible!) There are also Additional Resources, including Words to Know vocabulary sheets, additional Essay Prompts, and a Supplemental Reading List.
(4) Video Course: This video course gives students general and section-specific tips and strategies. There are also Proctor Videos available that can help simulate the real test-taking experience with instructions at the beginning and time warnings throughout.