You will want to be sure to download and/or update the Zoom app and make sure that everything is working properly before your essay session.
- You can download Zoom here: https://zoom.us/download
- Make sure that you can turn on your camera and share your screen. These are the two most important things that will be done in Zoom.
- You can find more instructions on this at the links below
You can find the Zoom link for your student’s session in emails that will be sent out 1 week before the essay, 1 day before the essay, and 1 hour before the essay.
Online Essay Portal
To log in to the Essay Platform, head to https://testinnovators.com/essays
- There, you will be prompted to enter your Appointment ID and the Last Name on your registration. You should have received your Appointment ID in your confirmation email.
- This information is also included in the reminder emails.
- Once you enter that info, click “Log in for your essay appointment”
- Once you have logged in, you will see a section labeled “Your Prompts”. This may be empty, since prompts are linked a few days before the session. They will show as locked until the proctor unlocks the essay prompts on the day of the session. The proctor will give instructions on how to access the prompt when the time comes.
- You will also see registration information on the right side of the screen, including the test date, target schools that were selected during registration, and the Test Innovators support email in case you need to make any last minute adjustments to the registration, or need any assistance.